Tydelige gebyr, sikre grenser

Ta kontroll over økonomien din med oversiktlige og praktiske gebyr

Jeton Card

Korttypen du velger vil påvirke innholdet av Gebyrinformasjonsdokumentet
Området du velger vil påvirke innholdet av Gebyrinformasjonsdokumentet
Load Limits
Minimum initial load€0**
Maximum account balance (point in time)€12,000
Card Limits (Subject to Visa approval)
ATM transaction limit (daily)300€
Daily POS transaction limit€11,700
Daily Cash Limit€300
Daily E-Commerce Limit€11,700
Daily spend limit€12,000

Fee Information Document

Name of the account providerUAB Finansinės paslaugos “Contis“
Account nameJeton Card
Date10 January 2022
  • This document informs you about the fees for using the main services linked to the payment account. It will help you to compare these fees with those of other accounts.
  • Fees may also apply for using services linked to the account which are not listed here. Full information is available in your terms and conditions (https://www.jeton.com/fees-limits).


General Account service
Maintaining the accountMonthly Maintenance Fee€0.00
Jeton accountTotal annual fee*€10.00
Payments (excluding cards)
Sending money in euros – SEPAPer payment€0.00
Receipt of payments in euros – SEPAPer payment€0.00
Sending money outside of SEPA zoneNot applicable
Receipt of international paymentsNot applicable
Issuing of debit cardPer card€0.00
Issuing of additional debit cardNot applicable
Replacement debit cardPer card€5.00
Card cancellationPer card€0.00
Debit card payment in eurosPer transaction€0.00
Debit card payment in a foreign currencyPer transaction€0.00 plus 3%-5% of the transaction value
Cash withdrawal in euros in EuropePer withdrawal€0.00 plus 0.5% of the transaction value
Cash withdrawal in a foreign currency outside EuropePer withdrawal€0.00 plus 0.5% of the transaction value
Refusing a payment due to lack of fundsPer payment€0.00
Allowing a payment despite lack of fundsNot applicable
Overdrafts and related services
Arranged overdraftNot applicable
Unarranged overdraftNot applicable
Other services
ATM balance enquiryPer enquiry€0.00

Glossary of terms

Allowing a payment despite lack of fundsThe account provider allows a payment to be made from the customer’s account although there is not enough money in it (or it would take the customer past their arranged overdraft limit).
Arranged overdraftThe account provider and the customer agree in advance that the customer may borrow money when there is no money left in the account. The agreement determines a maximum amount that can be borrowed, and whether fees and interest will be charged.

Card limits

Load Limits
Minimum initial load€0**
Maximum account balance (point in time)€12,000
Card Limits (Subject to Visa approval)
ATM transaction limit (daily)300€
Daily POS transaction limit€11,700
Daily Cash Limit€300
Daily E-Commerce Limit€11,700
Daily spend limit€12,000

*If there is minimum €10.000 load/deposit/purchase in yearly basis, annual fee will not be applied.
**Preferably equal or more than €5.



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© 2024 | www.jeton.com eies og drives av LA Orange CY Limited (Gladstonos, 116 M. Kyprianou House, 3. og 4. etasje, 3032, Limassol, Kypros). LA Orange CY Limited, som opererer under navnet Jeton, er autorisert av Kypros sentralbank i henhold til loven om elektroniske penger fra 2012 og 2018 (lov 81(I)/2012) til å distribuere eller innløse elektroniske penger (e-penger), med lisensnummer: LA Orange CY Limited er registrert i Republikken Kypros i henhold til bestemmelsene i selskapsloven (kapittel 113) med registreringsnummer HE 424807 og registrert adresse: Gladstonos, 116 M. Kyprianou House, 3. og 4. etasje, 3032, Limassol, Kypros. LA Orange Limited, som opererer under navnet Jeton, er autorisert av Financial Conduct Authority i henhold til Electronic Money Regulations 2011 til å distribuere eller innløse elektroniske penger (e-penger) og tilby visse betalingstjenester på vegne av en e-pengeinstitusjon, med FCA-registreringsnummer 902088. Firmanavn: LA ORANGE LIMITED, LEI-kode: 8945009645M8PD0AD211, BIC-verdi: ORAGGB22 (Swift-kode). LA Orange Limited er registrert i England og Wales, selskapsnummer 11535714, med registrert adresse: The Shard Floor 24/25, 32 London Bridge Street, London, SE1 9SG, Storbritannia.

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